In life and in business, feeling confident and free to speak up, to speak out is vital. 

Research reveals that more people are afraid of public speaking than of their own funerals.  

So how can you become more at ease with public speaking?

Gather more skill, and practice.


I’m often asked to speak, sometimes at the last moment, so I aim to be prepared. I’ve learned what I might say and how I might structure my spiel. Engaging stories and language constructs that make all the difference to an engaging speech. I’ll share these in my Being Up Front workshop.

Being a confident public speaker empowers us and our contribution.


  1. We can effectively share and contribute.
  2. We share a passion, a story or a skill that might help others, if they know about it.
  3. We can speak on behalf of a cause or at an occasion. We can sell products and services.


 “How comfortable are you with taking risks or

doing something new or unfamiliar?”

– WalkTall Mary


Yes, we can kid ourselves reasons why it need not be us who speaks up, or we can safely avoid speaking out… but at a cost to ourselves and perhaps our business success.

What happens when we avoid speaking opportunities or speak only under duress, without preparation or discovering how to be a great speaker?


  1. Our message is lost, we are not seen and remembered.
  2. We diminish ourselves because we are hiding our light and people miss our help and wisdom. We feel invisible! 
  3. We fail to fully respond or express disagreement.
  4. We fail to ask questions, questions others may be interested in too.
  5. We feel unheard or allow others to take over conversation or debate.


My Being Up Front workshop is a small and supportive setting.

  1. To learn more about what to say and how to say it.
  2. To practice what you have to say in a small, supportive group setting.
  3. To understand and use language that is memorable, engaging and compelling.



Mary x

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