Being upfront or hiding?
Did you know that people would rather attend their own funeral than be up front as a public speaker?
When the keynote speaker got sick, I had an opportunity to be the new keynote speaker at a special networking event. Spilt second decision. Hide or give it a go?
Have you found your voice, or are you hiding?
How about the FB live videos? Prepared to practice on your friends and followers or drop back, hoping they like your posts and pics. Or even see them.
Discover and practice the language of compelling speaking.
Research also tells us that our buying decisions are based on knowing, liking and trusting the person who is speaking, selling us ideas, services or products.
So are you giving yourself a fair go in the way that you stand up and speak for you and your life business? It takes practice and we can all do it. Better than a funeral eh?!
Walk Tall,
Mary x