As a member of a Business Referrers networking group I was recently interviewed for this story of how I became #walktallmary.
I was born left-handed and at school I had a difficult time because I was messy and I found it difficult to work back to front.
Then as a tall adolescent, and much to my mother’s disappointment, I’d stand with rounded shoulders to look smaller and fit in, instead of walking tall.
Now as a life coach I help people to ‘#walktall’ in their own lives. Literally standing tall, open hearted, looking out at your world and deciding what’s important for you and pursuing those directions away from doubt and uncertainty and towards new ideas and potential.
Of course, that sense of playing small as a kid at school definitely helped my life coaching. I get how people find themselves caught up in self-doubt, procrastination and lack of confidence. Feeling like you’re not good enough, or not clever enough, assertive enough.
#lifecoach #businessreferrals